Archive for the ‘Dr Visit / checkukp’ Category

Today’s Dr visit

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

I went in today for my 2 month checkup.  Dr Hardin said I get an A+.  I weigh 11lbs, 4 oz and am 22 1/4 inches long now. I guess when I can stand up, they’ll call me ‘tall’ but for now I’m “long”.

Everything was going fine, until that nurse came in and gave me my shots.  :-(   Daddy said I was a real trooper, though and that he was really proud of me.  I cried briefly when they stuck me (3 times), but then I was ok and continued on the bottle that Daddy was feeding me. Hmm, maybe he was trying to distract me…. he’s sneaky like that.  Oh well, it’s over, and the next appt is at the 4 month mark.
